Our Ranches
Answered Prayers Alpaca Ranch
APAR is owned and operated by Gail Stymerski and her brother, Al Boyce. They have jointly operated this ranch for over 8 years and own a mix of huacaya and suri alpacas. Gail is the fiber artist in our group. If you want a custom-made alpaca fiber item, she’s the go-to gal. Gail has a knack for thinking outside the box and can knit, crochet, weave, felt and simply “create” just about anything you can imagine.
Al is very creative himself, mainly with DIY projects. He has designed a very simple hay feeder and now custom builds them according to need. He takes care of the daily needs of the herd and manages their healthcare and breeding selection. Both Gail and Al have backgrounds in computer technology and use this knowledge to assist with all the tech needs of the partnership.
Gail FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/gail.boyces
Al FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/al.boyce.5
Magnolia Blossom Ranch
MBR is owned and operated by Terri and Kerry Bates. Alpacas first grabbed their attention about 13 years ago when they met their veterinarian, Dr. Patti Maness in Newcastle, who also raises alpacas in addition to her veterinary practice. They acquired their first 4 alpacas from Dr. Maness in 2013 and when Terri decided to sell her investment consulting practice at the end of 2014, they stepped into alpaca ranching with both feet. They spent the first few years developing their herd, now owning both huacaya and suri, and in 2017 partnered with Gail and Al to continue this journey together. Terri also had previous ranching experience in early adulthood, owning a large commercial chicken breeding farm in Florida with her first husband. They also had cattle and other farm animals back then and she learned a lot from that experience. That knowledge has carried forward as an asset at the alpaca ranch. Terri manages the day-to-day marketing, PR and accounting/bookkeeping duties of M&P, as well as, herd management.
Kerry also takes care of the daily needs of the herd and works with Al on tech needs and on DIY projects around the two ranches. He is a 22-year US Air Force veteran, serving as a Black Hawk flight engineer and instructor during the last half of his enlistment. He was employed after military retirement for a few years in the civilian workforce as a tech consultant and quality engineer. During that time, he used his (sometimes eccentric) ability to “think outside the box” and developed and patented two magnetic therapy devices which are now ready for launching at the right time. See www.cyclomagnetictherapy.com for more information.
Terri FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/tbates1957
Kerry FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/kerry.bates.127